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By Stephen Auciello (Editor)
With sales of more than 40,000 copies, The Resident’s Guide to Ambulatory Care continues to be the “go-to” consult for the rapid diagnosis and management of conditions commonly encountered by residents in the ambulatory setting. In addition to being updated, Edition 8.1 is restructured to deliver the information most effectively. A key addition is the new Adult Infectious Disease section, with a comprehensive chapter on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Within these pages are the most recent national guidelines on a host of conditions with up-to-date charts, tables, algorithms, and web links to “living documents,” all arranged for rapid reference; our goal is to provide the information needed while you are walking down the hall to the patient’s room. Edition 8.1 offers state-of-the-art information on evaluating and managing common ambulatory conditions in a straightforward, concise, and focused format.
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