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*A programme for today’s cardiac imaging community, including:
- Advanced sessions on each imaging modality
- A patient-centric, multi-modality approach to early diagnosis and patient management
- The best of imaging, highlighting important recent developments
- Panel debates with experts commenting live on the presentations
- Presentation of all accepted abstracts
A case of an intramyocardial cardiac cyst in an unusual location
A case of masses on aortic and mitral valves.An exercise of differential diagnosis
A case of primary cardiac lymphoma in a patient with a successful outcome
A common presentation of an uncommon disease
A Fishing Harpoon in the Heart
A known diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may yet surprise you
A left atrial mass resulting in severe mitral valve obstruction in a patient with left cervical lymphadenopathy
A multi-modality imaging approach for the evaluation of a rare cause of constrictive pericarditis
A Multimodality approach in the diagnosis of Platypnea-Orthodeoxia syndrome
A Restrictive Mass
Acute myocardial ischemia caused by intermittent obstruction of the right coronary artery by an aortic fibroelastoma
Advances in Computed Tomography – How new developments will affect Computed Tomography imaging in the future
Advances in the management of aortic stenosis
An unusual substrate for outflow tract ventricular tachycardia identified by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging
Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery presenting with sudden cardiac arrest in a 33-year-old
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in practice
Autoimmune myocarditis during pregnancy-A rare cause of heart failure
Best of Cardiovascular Imaging in COVID -19 era
Best of EACVI recommendations papers of the year
Cardiac Amyloidosis using Imaging to Improve Recognition and Diagnosis
Cardiac amyloidosis-A ticky diagnosis to make
Cardiac involvement in systemic disorders
Cardiac mass in an immunocompromised subject
Cardiogenic shock due to ischemic posterior papillary muscle rupture the pivotal role of transoesophageal echocardiography from diagnosis to treatment
Closing session
Controversies in Computed Tomography
CT characterisation of a left main coronary artery lesion.A case report of 29 year old with ST elevation and myocardial infarction
Electrical storm in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy-the role of cardiac magnetic resonance in risk stratification of sudden cardiac death
Elevating The Standard of Transcatheter Therapy for Mitral Regurgitation-Abbott
Enhanced Echocardiography During the COVID-19 Pandemic clinical practice, patient management and technical optimization
Evolving Treatment Paradigm in Patients with Tricuspid Regurgitation-Abbott
Extensive myocardial infiltration with amyloidosis in the absence of hyperenhancement on conventional magnitude late gadolinium enhancement cardiovascular imaging
Focused cardiac ultrasound (FoCUS) in the acute settings
Future CMR guided management of congenital heart disease
Heart Failure Following Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement-Is It the Time to Consider Paravalvular Leak
How can we make a big step forward in the cath and echo labs
Imaging in atherosclerotic plaque with Computed Tomography
Interventional echocardiography
Late Breaking Trials in Cardiovascular Imaging in 2020
Let’s strain our brain
Limitations of Gated Aortic CT and Hickams Dictum-Aortic dissection associated with incidental Thymic Haemorrhage not seen on Gated CT Aorta
Molecular imaging – The future of nuclear cardiology
MR vs PET imaging in cardiovascular disease debate
Multi Modality Imaging in atrial fibrillation
Multi Modality Imaging in heart failure and cardiomyopathies
Multi-detector CT triple rule-out coronary angiography provides unrivalled value in the assessment of cardiac arrest in patients with low to intermediate probability of coronary artery disease
Multimodality Imaging for Assessing Aortic Stenosis Severity-A Rare Cause for a Routine Diagnosis
Obstructions everywhere-the role of multimodality imaging in a rare cause of aortic and mitral stenosis
Percutaneous Device Closure of a Large Complex Aortic Root Pseudoaneurysm
Perfusion imaging – State of the art
Pericardial Cyst A Rare Finding in a Female Confirmed By Multimodality Imaging
Progressive dyspnea and signs of bioprosthetic valve disfunction never forget to promptly look for an acute cause
Quantification in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) the virtual biopsy
Role of Multi Modality Imaging in the post ISCHEMIA trial anatomy vs function
Single ventricle circulation as assessed by multi-detector computed tomography
Subacute left ventricular rupture following recent acute myocardial infarction
The best of publications on Cardiovascular Imaging in 2020
The case of a 44 year-old survivor of unrepaired tetralogy of Fallot, right aortic arch and abdominal aortopulmonary collateral vessels
The research in imaging in the world – Award Winning Science from ASE and JSE
Two sides of the same coin-a case report
Using the latest innovations in Cardiac Imaging to solve the challenges of your clinical practice
Valves role of Multi Modality Imaging
Vorticity and circulation new advances in 4D-flow MRI
Young Investigator Award session – Basic Science
Young Investigator Award session – Clinical Science
4 reviews for EACVI Best of Imaging 2020 Congress (VIDEOS)